The trustworthy alternative
We led with integrity. We’ll do even better again.

Since 2009 the NDC has created over 341,000 formal sector jobs and additional 400,000 jobs through the private sector via government infrastructure projects.
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We have overseen the addition of more than 11,823 new educational institutions to our educational infrastructure, increasing enrolment of students by 1.8 million.
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We provided superior healthcare to our people with the addition of 4 regional and 14 district hospitals and hundreds of CHPS Compunds.

Welcome to the National Democratic Congress (NDC) USA Chapter
The National Democratic Congress (NDC) remains deeply committed to the principles and values of Social Democracy As Social Democrats, we subscribe to a compassionate political philosophy that seeks to create opportunities for all to develop to their fullest potential.
We believe that our pursuit of economic prosperity for all Ghanaians can best be achieved through appropriate regulation and strategic investments.
We are therefore committed to using the legal, fiscal and trade instruments at our disposal, in an inclusive effort to safeguard the jobs of today and create the jobs of the future.
Our Executives
We believe in Ghana’s future and whenever in government we strive to put Ghana on the road to real development. Join us to do better than you’re witnessing now.
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